General Emergencies !!!

Help those who are fleeing from persecution ,violence and natural disasters

Donate now

Bangladesh is one of the most natural disaster prone country in the world due to it’s location such as Cyclone, Flooding etc and We have supported general emergency wehre possible i.e Rohingya Refguess, Sylhet flood in 2018

Please support our general emergency fund with whatever amount you can.

Alhamdulillah with your donation and support, we have managed to carry out the following emergency projects so far

  • Built 60 Shelter Tents for Rohingya Refugees
  • Installed around 15 water wells in Rohingya Camps
  • Distributed over 500 food packs and fire woods
  • Setup medical camp and distributed medicines worth around £2,500
  • Installed 10 toilet and shower facility
  • Distributed around 1,300 Kg of clothes
  • Individual financial assistance to around 100 families
  • Distributed over 100 food pack to Maulvibazar flood Victims in 2018

Make a difference, donate now !

Donate now

Watch our Rohingya project video

What we done so far?


Shelter Tents built

( Rohingya)


Tube Well installed

( Rohingya)


Food Packs distributed

(Rohingya & Flood)

1,300 kg

Clothes distributed

(Rohingya and General)